Tag Archives: Kashmir great lakes trek


Nestled in the picturesque lap of the Himalayas, Kashmir has long been referred to as “Paradise on Earth.” With its breathtaking scenery, pure lakes, and lush meadows, it’s no surprise that explorers from all over the world flock to this stunning location. Among its many natural wonders, the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek stands out as a must-see for trekking fans. This beautiful route, which was recently reopened to travelers, promises an experience unlike any other, combining the adrenaline of trekking with the tranquil beauty of the Kashmiri countryside. Beauty of the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is known for its breathtaking beauty and different regions. The walk begins in Sonamarg’s base camp and winds through verdant meadows, dense pine woods, and rocky terrains before arriving at some of the region’s most spectacular high-altitude lakes. These lakes, which include Vishansar, Krishansar, Gadsar, Satsar, and Gangbal, are situated…

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Day treks of Kashmir

Discover the Allure of Naranag: A Trending Tourist Village Nestled at the Foothills of Mt. Harmukh (5142 m). From Ancient Dynasties to Modern-Day Adventure, Unraveling the Treasures of a Year-Round Trekking Haven. Dive into the Rich History and Scenic Splendors of Naranag, the Trailhead for Dumail, Marchoi, and the Legendary Gangabal Lakes and Kashmir Great Lakes trek. Your Gateway to Unforgettable Day Treks and Epic Multi-Day Adventures in the Heart of Kashmir’s Majestic Mountains. About Day Treks from Naranag: While the surrounding region boasts a diverse tapestry of alpine lakes, peaks, and rich biodiversity that would take weeks to fully explore, our focus remains on the awe-inspiring day treks available throughout the year. Join us as we provide a glimpse into the basic insights of these short yet exhilarating journeys, offering a taste of the vast adventure that awaits in the diverse landscapes surrounding Naranag. Naranag to Dumail – A…

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Embark on the extraordinary

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